how to optimize your resume or cv which gets shortlisted using ChatGPT

In 2024,  the job market is becoming more competitive than ever. Speed of execution has become very important for companies and organizations are looking increasingly for candidates who can deliver as quickly as possible.

In this search it has become difficult to get your CV shortlisted as companies and recruiters spend as less as 10 seconds to take a decision about your CV and shortlist or reject you .

Therefore it has become important to have your CV stay fresh and be relevant to the job.   For that, we’re happy to bring this short tutorial below on : How to get your CV or resume shortlisted with this easy hack .   And yes ! it does use ChatGPT.

But before I begin with that, let me clearly state that by no means we’re saying that you should put in any fake or lies in  your resume. Instead what we’re saying is that assuming you have at-least some of the requisite experience and skill-sets, you can ensure your resume catches the attention of the recruiter or talent team during the shortlisting stage by this easy hack. 

Objective: Customizing the ‘Professional Summary’ and the cover letter to make it focused and relevant to the Job. 

How:  Through the following steps which include:

1. Copying the Job Description and Candidate Profile from the Job

2. Opening up ChatGPT and writing a prompt to generate – a) Professional Summary in ‘x’ words  fitting the Job Description and Candidate Profile Posted  b) Generating keywords matching the Candidate profile and Job description   and pasting the JD and Candidate Profile.

3. Using these keywords and adding to the resume where matching with your actual real experience and skill-set. Also use ChatGPT to generate a one-line explanation of each keyword so that you know clearly what you’ve added in your resume, and have actually some exposure to the same.

4. Generate a cover letter of above JD and Candidate profile in 200 words.   Remember to replace the placeholder text in the cover letter.

Below is a video to explain the same and as a bonus , it contains a joke as well !

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You may also want to register for our hands-on kickstart career masterclass where we go through this and many other secrets to securing your dream job in IT, Sales & Marketing, Business Development, Ops or Finance with a great hike.